How to Change Career

Find your purpose

There are many reasons to change career. Research suggests people often think of career change at ‘life pivoting’ events such as becoming a parent or hitting a ‘big’ birthday. It’s also common after a pause - such as maternity or paternity leave, an illness or furlough, following redundancy or leaving education. If you are considering a career change, we have over two decades of experience matching people like you with their dream opportunities.

Define and Understand your career goals

There are so many different factors to consider. Are you looking for more money or job security? More fulfilment? Fancy working outdoors? Wondering if you can turn that hobby you excel at into a job you love? Or market forces might mean your current industry is shrinking and you need to find something else. Sometimes it takes completing a degree to realise that subject is NOT what you want to do with your life! With many of us spending more time with our colleagues than our families, career choice greatly impacts our mental wellbeing. Workers who ‘find meaning’ have boosted morale, increased productivity, and reduced attrition - and are happier. We can show you how to give deeper direction to your job hunt than just looking at the salary and tasks.

“Evermore people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for” - Viktor E Frankl.

Download our free workbook now "Finding Your Perfect Fit"

Where to Start?

Understanding your own priorities is the first step in deciding on your destination. Monster's free workbook will help you do just that and give your job hunt laser focus. Download the PDF and either print it out or use it as a guide with some pen and paper.

In 6 simple paper exercises, you will:

  • Identify the elements that make your work fulfilling and give you purpose.

  • Optimise decisions for your short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.

  • Prioritise what benefits are important to you - a framework to making comparing job offers simpler.

  • Paint your “perfect fit” career on our decision canvas. Match your strengths and weaknesses against career preferences.

  • Prioritise your job hunt to-dos to be most efficient between what’s important and what’s urgent.

  • Make that final decision -weigh up the pros and cons of one or more offers.

Download the free workbook now "Finding Your Perfect Fit"