Engineering Cover Letter Example and Tips

One of the biggest challenges engineers face when applying for jobs in engineering is finding ways of differentiating themselves. Whatever discipline you've decided to pursue, you can be sure that you 'll be competing with some impressive candidates for the role. And this is where your cover letter comes in.

While an engineering CV is of course essential, your cover letter is your chance to show potential employers why you 're unique and what makes you the right choice for the job. Think about your cover letter like an engineering project – it's all about solving a problem. Your next employer needs someone with a wide range of skills, from team leadership to technical knowledge - your cover letter should show them exactly how you 'd fix that problem for them.

Read our tips for writing a cover letter and use our free engineering cover letter template when making your next job application.

Tips for writing your cover letter

You don't need to be a wordsmith to write a cover letter for an engineering position, but do make sure you double check for spelling and grammar as mistakes may count against you. Getting a friend to give it a proof read for you is always a great idea where possible. As a general rule, you should be able to say everything you need in three to five paragraphs and no more than a page – it 's important to order your points so they fit in that space.

Know why you want the job

Recruiters and hiring managers love to see passion. If your cover letter shows your enthusiasm for the job or field you're applying for, this will immediately tip the balance in your favour. Therefore, when applying for a job or grad scheme, spend some time thinking about why you're applying for this job in particular.

For example, if you're applying to site engineering jobs, what is it about the role that appeals to you? Perhaps the specific projects you'd be working on are high profile or exceptionally interesting. Maybe it 's the company – perhaps they 're well known for having a great working culture. By reflecting on your own motivations, you 'll have the makings of a great cover letter.

Research the company and industry

Research is a key part of writing a successful engineering cover letter. Hiring managers want to see evidence that you care about their company and want to get involved in what they're doing, and so background research is critical.

Spend a couple of hours reading around the company's website, skimming through its social media feeds and getting to grips with their forthcoming projects. This research will not only help you confirm to yourself that you want to work there, but will also give you some key information to include in the letter.

Perhaps your prospective employer is a civil engineering firm that has just posted a press release about winning a major new road building project. Nod to this news in your cover letter – something like: "I am enthusiastic to work for a business that has the capacity to take on major projects like the new Maydup Town Bypass".

Mention relevant experiences

Most engineering job ads will be explicit about the kinds of skills and experience they 're looking for. The trick here is to pick and choose from your professional and academic background for the most relevant examples of similar work you've been involved in – don't bombard them with everything you've done, but instead focus on the specifics.

Are you applying to be an electrical engineer whose focus will be on risk assessment and quality control? Talk about relevant work experience if you have it, for example "I worked with the senior electrical engineer on a large-scale building project, ensuring that all required risk assessment reports were filed on time and with pinpoint accuracy." If you don't have the experience, don't worry, you can cite the modules you studied at university that relate to those tasks.

If you are only just starting out in engineering, you 'll have a decent amount of technical knowledge to draw on from your academic courses, other training you've completed as an apprentice or through work experience. Even if you don't have solid examples of every skill listed, think creatively to find evidence of similar kinds of projects you've worked on.

As you progress further into your career, you'll have far more experiences to draw on in your cover letter. But once again, it 's about finding the most impressive examples that show why you 're the right person for that position.

Engineering training and qualifications

Most engineers today have an academic qualification in their field and this should be mentioned in the cover letter. For example, "As a fully qualified maintenance engineer, I have worked on… ". If you've entered the profession through an apprenticeship, note all the exams you've passed. In addition, you should also mention any further engineering certificates and diplomas received as you've specialised through your career.

Show how the job fits into your career path

A cover letter gives hiring managers a deeper insight into your career, motivations and ambitions – it provides a narrative to the more impersonal CV. If your career has followed a fairly straight line from a grad scheme up to senior management in a mechanical engineering firm, explain that you have a passion for this kind of engineering and have wanted to watch a business grow.

On the other hand, if you suddenly switched from working in the railway sector to working on water-related projects, you might want to explain why you chose to do so – perhaps because you'd gradually developed a passion for efficient water management after seeing the effects of drought on vulnerable communities.

Engineering Cover Letter Template

Chris Johnstone
17 Blue Street
07785 467 731

Amy Wallace
BRDG Constructions
28 Bridge Road


Re: Application for Associate Bridge Engineer role

Dear Ms. Wallace,

I am writing to apply for the Associate Bridge Engineer role at BRDG Constructions and explain why I believe I would be the right person for this position. BRDG Constructions has long been a pioneer in the industry, and I would be very excited to work at a firm with major new bridge projects in the pipeline, including the recently announced Thames Bridge at Kingston. I believe the advertised role presents a fantastic opportunity for me to further develop my skills and experience at one of the UK 's leading civil engineering firms.

Over the past 10 years, I have developed my career as an expert in highly complex bridge construction projects. For my last employer, ABC Builds, I worked under the lead bridge engineer to deliver major projects such as the new River Trent Bridge which was delivered on time and under budget. While at JKC Associates, I worked on the bridge construction team which built the Olympus overpass in Cardiff, a construction project which won the 2012 innovation in engineering award.

As you will note from my CV, I hold an MSc in structural engineering from the University of Manchester and I am a Chartered Engineer with the ICE. From a young age, I have been fascinated by the process of building bridges and have dedicated my career to enhancing my knowledge of this topic, I have also undertaken numerous courses in a wide range of technical aspects of bridge construction.

Thank you for taking the time to review and consider my application. I am keen for the chance to attend an interview for this position and look forward to hearing from you.


Chris Johnstone

Download this engineering cover letter template for free in Word.

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